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June 5th 🌏 World Environment Day, which unites millions of people from all over the world, involving them in the movement to protect and restore the Earth.

CJSC “MKK Baylyk Finance” pays special attention to the environment and treats nature with care, and also takes an active part in various events, contributing to environmental protection.🌱

Today, this day provides an opportunity for each of us to take responsibility for caring for our planet and actively contribute to positive change.

☘️Refuse plastic bags↩️
Can be replaced with eco-friendly fabric bags
☘️ Plant a tree with friends ↩️
Plants will not only decorate your area, but also purify the air.
☘️ Clean up after yourself ↩️
Don’t forget to clean up after yourself after your next trip to nature, teach this to your children, be an example for friends and acquaintances
☘️Sort your trash↩️
Separating waste can reduce environmental damage.

Look around and you will see that we are surrounded by beautiful landscapes, unique mountain systems, many rivers and lakes.
Together we can make sure that future generations admire and are proud of these natural beauties.

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