Frequently asked Questions
Obtaining a loan is a responsible step that requires certain knowledge and a serious attitude. Often customers sign loan agreements without going into details,
get money, and a lot of questions arise only when the day of repayment approaches. A person becomes a hostage of his/her negligence.
To save you from misunderstandings when dealing with our credit company we give answers to the frequently asked questions of our customers:
What language can I get information in?
Our company maintains documentation in the Kyrgyz and Russian languages. For your convenience, ask for the Loan Agreement in a language you understand. Reread the Loan Agreement. Do not hesitate to ask the loan officer to clarify for you the terms and questions you do not understand. Also, contact him/her afterward with any questions you have about your loan.
What happens if I miss a loan payment?
If the Borrower violates the obligation to repay the monthly loan debt, the Borrower shall pay a penalty in the amount specified in the Loan Agreement. It happens that there are some objective circumstances and valid reasons due to which you cannot repay the loan in due time. In this case, you need to contact your loan officer IN ADVANCE. At this stage, the company will meet you halfway and consider your problem.
I already have a loan, but I would like to get another one. Is that possible?
Yes, it is possible, if your income allows you. But, the loan should not be a burden on the family budget. So before you put your signature on the agreement, calculate all of your monthly expenses. Get into the habit of keeping track of your family's finances. In the beginning, it might seem extremely tedious and boring, but once you see the first results of your actions it will become clear to you where the money goes, how much you can afford to spend, and how much you can invest in your business. Be prepared that you will be paying at least 40% of your income each month to a credit company. To learn how to do this, we suggest you get your first small loan for the short term. This way you can understand your repayment capacity and already plan for larger loans for longer periods in the future.
What is a credit score and how can it affect me?
A credit score is the history of repayment of all your loans, which is kept in the unified Credit Information Bureau "Ishenim" – a common database that collects credit histories of all borrowers in the country. This is your first indicator when dealing with all financial institutions. The continuation of your d relationship with our company and other lending institutions will depend on how positive your credit score is. If all of your loans have been repaid on time and without delinquency, you will not have a risk of creating a negative credit score about yourself at the Credit Information Bureau and will not harm your life in the future.
A relative asks me to be his/her guarantor. What are the consequences for me?
According to Article 344 of the Civil Code of the Kyrgyz Republic "A surety (guarantor) is liable to the creditor to the same extent as the debtor, including the payment of interest, compensation of court costs of collecting the debt and other losses of the creditor caused by non-performance or improper performance of obligations by the debtor". If you are not sure about the solvency and integrity of your relative or friend, don't agree to be his/her guarantor. If he/she does not fulfill his/her obligations under the loan, the guarantor will be directly liable under the law, in this case, you, and you will have to repay his/her loan from your funds!
What is the annual effective interest rate (AEIR)?
The annual effective interest rate is the total amount of all payments payable by the borrower under the loan agreement. This interest rate includes, in addition to the size of monthly payments, all commission fees charged by the credit institution, card issuance fees, insurance payments or fees for account maintenance, issuance of certificates, etc. The nominal interest rate, which is specified in your loan agreement, is an expression of the cost of the loan and is involved in calculating your monthly loan payment. Therefore, the two types of rates will be different.
Who can get a loan?
Any capable citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic aged 18 to 70 with a stable source of income can get a loan.
What documents are required to obtain a loan?
The required documents vary depending on the loan product, but the following documents will be sufficient for acceptance of the application for a loan:
- Identity document of a citizen of the KR – original passport (ID and e-ID card);
- A certificate of residence indicating family composition (if you have an e-ID card, you do NOT need this certificate);
- Document confirming income.
You can learn more about the required documents at a consultation with our loan officers.
What amounts does the company give out?
Loan amounts vary depending on your demand and solvency and can range from 5 000 to 1 000 000 KGS.
What are the terms of the loans?
Terms also vary depending on the type of loan and can be between 1 and 36 months.
What is the payment schedule under the loan?
The payment schedule is an annuity schedule, where the amount of monthly loan repayment, consisting of principal and interest, is distributed for each month in equal and constant installments for the entire term of the loan. Your loan officer prepares the schedule before you sign the loan agreement.
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