Improving the professional skills of our employees.
Improving the professional skills of our employees is one of the main goals of our Company!
To improve qualification skills, the Company has an online self-learning platform supported by Business & Finance Consulting (BFC), within which employees can learn the best practices of the financial sector at any time convenient for them. During the 3rd quarter, 20 new employees of the Company.
Also, the General Director, the Director of Human Resources and the Director of Risk Management conducted a number of seminars on such topics as: Non-aggressive sales, Green economy, Socially oriented business, Financial literacy, Risk management, Types of risks; Regular updates are made on changes to regulatory documents. Thus, in this quarter, 93 employees of the eastern region and the city of Bishkek underwent internal training.
Regularly, our specialists are sent to external training. Two specialists from the Finance Department and the Risk Management Department received external training on countering the financing of terrorist activities and the legalization (laundering) of criminal proceeds.
The Loan Manager of the Ala-Buka village office was also trained in the topic of attracting and retaining clients under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Project “Regional Small Business Program in Central Asia”.
We are proud that our specialists are becoming in demand and strive to ensure that the experience of working at Bailyk Finance opens all doors for them in the future!