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Team building Bailyk Finance in Issyk-Kul

In the middle of a very hot July of this year, one no less hot event took place – the annual Team building “Bailyk Finance”, which has already become traditional, for more than 200 employees. It took place on the coast of Lake Issyk-Kul, as you may have guessed, we are madly in love with our pearl.

On the first day, team events were held, undoubtedly uniting our already friendly team. Since there are many new employees in our rapidly growing Team, the contests allowed them to get to know each other better. Now you can certainly safely address an employee from the head office, after standing side by side with him in the competition. Pleasant employees and pleasant incentive prizes.

Of course, the achievements of individual employees and entire offices did not go unnoticed. After all, it was primarily thanks to them that the Company managed to achieve and exceed the 2018 budget targets and continue to grow and expand rapidly in 2019. For dynamism and breakthrough in work, Jalalabad and Isfaninsky branches were noted, and 24 best employees were awarded with commemorative certificates of honor and no less memorable gifts – household appliances. In the evening of the same day there was an incendiary disco.

The next day of stay was at the complete disposal of vacationers. Everyone swam, sunbathed, breathed the sea air, in a word, gained strength to achieve new results.

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