Bailyk Finance congratulates on the World Women’s Entrepreneurship Day!
Bailyk Finance congratulates on the World Women’s Entrepreneurship Day!
This holiday is a global initiative that aims to empower women entrepreneurs around the world. Every year there are more and more women who want to build a business or take steps towards self-realization. In turn, Bailyk Finance decided to support women entrepreneurs and provide their support.
Bailyk Finance takes part in trainings for women entrepreneurs under the “Altyn Aiym” Project, organized by the Youth Movement “I love Kyrgyzstan” with the support of the USAID’s Future Growth Initiative, AMFO – Association of Microfinance Organizations and MCC “Amanat Credit”.
Since the beginning of November, 12 two-day trainings “Altyn Aiym” have been held in the settlements of Naryn, Chui and Issyk-Kul regions. More than 200 women took part in the training.
Women improved their skills on such important topics for every entrepreneur as:
– sources of funding,
– fundamentals of marketing,
– basics of taxation,
– Fundamentals of financial literacy.
“For the first time, financial institutions provide a chance for women entrepreneurs to participate in the full cycle of improving their skills: from training to providing financing”, Alisher Akbaraliev, Executive Director of the ALE “AMFO”
A great motivation for the participants was the competition of business plans and the grant component of the Altyn Aiym Project. The best of the best will receive a worthy reward:
• 6 best projects will receive grants of 50,000 soms to support a business idea;
• 20 participants will be able to receive concessional financing up to 100,000 soms at a rate of 10% per annum in soms;
• The remaining participants will be offered funding at the current rates of members of the Association of Microfinance Institutions.
Only positive feedback, high appreciation of the trainers, active position and high motivation of the training participants certainly inspire to expand the project geography in the future.