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Our most athletic colleagues once again set their personal records!

Our colleagues from the Eastern District and the Head Office took part in the last charity run for the conservation of the snow leopard and its ecosystems at the following distances:

Ganybev Altynbek, District Director – 14 km
Kasymov Adilet, CS office Karakol – 14 km
Ashymzhanov Ruslan, KM office Karakol – 5 km
Turusbekov Azamat, KM of the Ananyevo office – 5 km
Abdyrakhmanov Rustam, KM of the Kyzylsuu office – 5 km
Dzhumagulov Murat, Aksuu office SCS – 1 km.
Kuromayeva Umut, Financial Analyst of Civil Defense – 14 km.

As the guys admit, they came from the Issyk-Kul region and did not run for a while – it was important for them to take part in a charity event, since half of the funds collected from the entry fees will go to the preservation of our heritage – snow leopards.

Although the time results of our guys are also not bad, for example, Loan Specialist of the Karakol office Kasymov Adilet ran 14 km in 1 hour 3 seconds and came to the finish line 21st out of 530 participants. The rest of the guys also have above average indicators, on this day each of them set his own personal record and once again overcame himself, setting even bigger goals for future races. And those who were not previously interested in running at all, thought about starting to run!

Director of the Eastern District Altynbek Ganybev believes that such sports events encourage our citizens to go in for sports, and every year the number of people interested in running and playing sports is increasing, which certainly heals our nation!

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