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The success story of Khodzhasheva Hanifa from Kochkor-Ata

We would like to share with you the story of our client of the Kochkor-Ata office, Khodjasheva Hanifa, who has been cooperating with Bailyk Finance since 2017. Having received a loan for home renovation for the first time, Hanifa remained a regular and loyal customer of the Company and borrowed more than 10 times from us! In 2021, Hanifa received a business development loan in the amount of 250,000 soms, she is engaged in food trade. During the consultation, the finance specialist suggested that Hanifa, along with the loan, take out life and health insurance, which will protect her from possible force majeure situations in the future, and will also allow her to receive a 2% discount on the interest rate. Hanifa, since she had not previously encountered insurance, doubted how much this service could be useful to her. But since the cost of the commission was acceptable, I decided to agree. Literally a few months later, Hanifa had an unexpected emergency operation, her gallbladder was removed. An employee of Bailyk Finance suggested what package of documents for the operation was needed to file an insured event, Hanifa prepared everything. Health insurance company, Bailyk Finance’s partner in voluntary insurance, paid Khanifa 54,600 soms, which covered not only the costs of treatment and rehabilitation, but also allowed to partially repay the loan, since Hanifa temporarily did not work during rehabilitation.

Hanifa: “Now I feel good, this case was indicative for me. Receiving a payment helped me in difficult times, thanks to insurance I did not accumulate debts. I completely changed my attitude towards insurance. After this incident, I recommend that all my friends and acquaintances insure themselves. Thank you very much to Baylyk Finance for your help and support, and also for always taking care of us.”


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