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Chinara Moldazhanova took part in the round table at the NBKR

On December 7, 2021, the General Director of the Bailyk Finance Company, Chinara Moldazhanova, took part in the next microfinance round table, organized by the Association of Microfinance Organizations ULE.

Representatives of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, ALE “Association of Microfinance Organizations”, as well as representatives of the microfinance sector took part in the meeting of the microfinance round table.
The Microfinance Round Table is a traditional event where significant issues of the microfinance sector are discussed. The participants of the event discussed the most important issues of the microfinance sector, dedicated to the further development of the market, maintaining stability in the microfinance system and mitigating the consequences of the crisis associated with the coronavirus infection, developing the digitalization of microfinance services, as well as improving the regulation of the activities of microfinance organizations.

Within the framework of this round table, the General Director of the Bailyk Finance Company presented a presentation of work to improve the financial literacy of the Company’s clients. “It should be noted that our Company regularly conducts a number of educational programs on financial literacy. I would like to note that systematic work on this issue is very important, especially in remote regions of the country, since at such trainings we practically teach clients how to protect themselves from unforeseen expenses, manage the family budget correctly, and choose wisely financial products, in particular loans. It is safe to say that knowledge of the basics of financial literacy contributes to improving the quality of people’s lives,” said Chinara Moldazhanova.

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