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From April 24 to April 28, the 2nd field medical examination of the Company’s clients was completed, which was organized by the My Doctor project together with Bailyk Finance

1,005 residents of remote regions – Alabuka, Kerben, Tashkumyr, Karakul and Toktogul – underwent medical examinations by a general practitioner, cardiologist, neuropathologist, pediatrician, urologist and ENT completely FREE OF CHARGE. Note that 90% were examined by women.

This is already the 2nd trip of the My Doctor project in 2023, more than 2,200 people have been examined for the entire time. It should be noted that during the examination, the doctors were able to stop several crises and one serious heart attack, identify chronic kidney disease, prostate gland, asthma, high blood sugar in many clients, which they did not suspect.

It was a very fruitful and organizational work. Thanks to all participants of this Program for your active participation and significant contribution to the health and well-being of the population.

With care for you, My Doctor ️ Bailyk Finance!

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