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Victory of Kubatbek uulu Abdimalik in the Chess Blitz Tournament “Thinking King”

We would like to share the good news, which the entire Bailyk Finance Company is very proud of!


Hooray! Our colleague, a finance specialist from the Nookat office, Kubatbek uluu Abdimalik, took 1-th place in the blitz tournament “Thinking King

“, among banking and financial institutions. The event took place on February 13 in Osh and was organized by the Chess Federation of the Kyrgyz Republi

c. It should be noted that a total of 33 chess players from more than 10 financial and credit institutions took part. For the first prize place, Adimalik received 10,000 soms and a winner’s cup from the Federation!

“I started playing chess at the age of 12. I took part in various competitions and from that age won prizes in regional competitions. In 2019, I took 3rd

place at the republican student competition in Bishkek. I also won the Governor’s Cup in Osh. And recently on January 16 This year, my family and I took 7th place in the “Friendly Chess Family” competition.

“I urge everyone to play chess, because this is a great hobby that develops the mind and strategic thinking. I am very happy for the victory!” – shared wi

th us Abdimalik.

We wish further success to Abdimalik together with Bailyk Finance and new victories!

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