Children’s drawing competition as part of Global Money Week
Dear friends, we are pleased to announce that the Micro-Credit Company “Bailyk Finance” together with the Youth Movement “I love Kyrgyzstan” and the International Camp “Zhetigen” announce the launch of a drawing contest among children.
Bailyk Finance constantly promotes the improvement of financial literacy among the adult population of the country and children. For several years in a row, participates in the World Money Week, initiated by the National Bank in Kyrgyzstan.
For reference: Global Money Week (GMW) is an initiative to promote financial literacy supported by 176 countries around the world. This year the GMW Initiative has turned 11 years old and it is held under the motto “Plan your money, take care of your future”.
Students of educational institutions of preschool and school age, as well as orphanages of Issyk-Kul, Naryn and Talas regions of Kyrgyzstan can take part in the competition under the general title “Financial literacy through the eyes of children”. The following topics and format are defined depending on the age group:
9-11 years old drawing contest on the theme “Financial literacy is fashionable”
12-14 years old essay contest “My first million”
Details about the requirements for the submitted works can be found in the Regulations on the CONTEST_GWM_2023
An electronic copy of the work can be provided in the period from 06.03.2023 to 15.03.2023 by e-mail mdkyrgyzstan@gmail.com . After the initial selection by an independent jury, the winners will be determined by voting on the Instagram page @ilove_kyrgyzstan 17.03.2023 – 19.03.2023 (19.00 hours). The announcement of the winners in each nomination will take place on 20.03.2023.
The winners will be awarded the following valuable prizes, depending on the prize-winning place:
The winners of the drawing contest on the theme “Financial literacy is fashionable” will receive: a ticket to the International Children’s Camp “Zhetigen” for the spring stream, smart watches, wireless headphones and bluetooth speaker;
In the drawing contest on the theme “My first million”, gifts are: a ticket to the International Children’s Camp “Zhetigen” for the spring stream, a Yandex smart speaker, a portable Bluetooth speaker.