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Bailyk Finance congratulates everyone on World Savings Day!

The Bailyk Finance company annually conducts initiatives to develop a culture of savings and improve the financial literacy of the population.

So, according to the results of 9 months of 2022, the Company trained a total of about 2,000 people throughout the country. It should be noted that this indicator was achieved through partnership with organizations – the Public Association “Kurak”, the Youth Movement “I Love Kyrgyzstan”. At the trainings, the participants were taught how to manage money, make savings, think about the future, plan their needs and protect themselves from unforeseen situations.

Bailyk Finance is planning many more interesting projects ahead, one of them is the launch of the Altyn Aiym project, where women entrepreneurs will be trained not only in business skills, but also in the basics of financial literacy.

Bailyk Finance plans to continue to conduct large-scale financial literacy training, thereby contributing to improving the quality of people’s lives.

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