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Warm in the house, warm in the soul!

Success story of Zharkynova Samidakhan

Zharkynova Samidakhan lives in the village of Suzak, Jalal-Abad region, with her husband and two grandchildren; Samidakhan’s children work in Russia. The Samidakhan family has been cooperating with the Microcredit Company “Bailik Finance” since 2018; they have applied for agricultural loans for the purchase of livestock and cultivation of crops, as well as for consumer purposes. Together with the loan, we always took out a Voluntary Medical Accident Insurance Policy, receiving a 2% discount on the loan.
Samidakhan received a current loan in April 2023 in the amount of 250,000 soms for repairs and insulation of the house.

“It’s very cold in our area, especially in winter, and our grandchildren often get sick. Therefore, my husband and I consulted and decided that we needed to insulate the house, after all, both the children are small and we are not young: my husband and I are over 60 years old!” says Samidakhan.

Having once again turned to Baylyk Finance, Samidakhan and her husband received not only financing for home insulation, but also recommendations from a Sales Specialist on where to start with insulation.

“The specialist said that it is better to first insulate the walls, install plastic windows and doors, which will keep the heat in the house, and not “heat the street.” Baylyk Finance employees helped to draw up an estimate for the cost of building materials and provided a training video “How to insulate a house yourself.” Thanks to the video, my husband constantly monitored the builders and gave them advice,” laughs Samidahan: “They even asked how you know everything?”

After all the work was completed, the house became warmer.

But there are always difficult periods. About half a year after the renovation, Samidahan required urgent gynecological surgery. She remembered that Specialist Baylyk Finance, along with the loan, issued her an Accident Insurance Policy. An employee of the Company suggested what package of documents regarding the operation required to file an insured event, Samidakhan prepared everything. A few days later, the Health Insurance Company, Baylyk Finance’s partner in voluntary insurance, paid Samidakhan 80,000 soms, which covered not only the costs of treatment and rehabilitation, but also made it possible to partially repay the loan.
Previously, every time she signed up for an Insurance Policy, Samidakhan doubted how useful this service could be to her. But now, once faced, she realized the need for Life and Health Insurance.

“I am very grateful to the Baylyk Finance Company for the high-quality service, fast loan processing, and the responsiveness of Baylyk Finance and the Insurance Company during a difficult period of my life. I always recommend your Company to all my friends! And I plan to apply for a loan more than once in the future!” – says Samidahan.

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