On guard of our health!
A good doctor who works hard to follow his mission puts his heart and soul into his patients. So the doctors of the “My Doctor” Program wholeheartedly rush to help, deserve sincere admiration and the warmest words of gratitude!
Today we want to congratulate the wonderful staff of the “My Doctor” Program on the Day of the Medical Worker in Kyrgyzstan! We wish you well-coordinated work, mutual respect in the team, joint success in the fight for the health of patients, as well as all the good things in the personal life of each of you! Your calling is to help people, and we are eternally grateful to you for this!
We express our gratitude to you for the joint work done:
Absolutely FREE doctors of the My Doctor Program conducted medical examinations in four regions of Kyrgyzstan: Osh region, Jalal-Abad region, Batken region, Talas region. Reception and examination were carried out at the offices of Bailyk Finance Company! In just 4 visits of doctors in 2023, more than 4,100 clients of the Company and residents of the regions were examined!
It was a very fruitful and organizational work. Thank you to all participants of this Program for your active participation and significant contribution to strengthening the health and well-being of the population!