We are the team of champions
We are a team of champions! all stronger and faster!
Our Company has great respect for the achievements of our employees, not only in work but also in sports!
Today, October 9, 2022, the annual charity run “Snow Leopard Run” was held, organized by NGO Nomad Sport. About 6,000 people took part in the marathon.
Our employees participated in all stages of the race and showed excellent results and a real sports spirit! In the race at a distance of 5 km, an employee of our Company Djoldoshev Kalygul Toktobekovich took an honorable 3rd place!!! We congratulate him and wish him further great victories and success!
We are proud of our colleagues and congratulate everyone on a brilliant result!
I would also like to express my deep gratitude to the management of Bailyk Finance Company for the full support of our sports initiative!We express our gratitude to our Partner Insurance Company “Health” for their support in participating in the race.
Bailyk Finance – Team of Champions!