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Bailyk Finance congratulates you on the Day of History and Memory of Ancestors!

Dear Bailyk Finance clients,

The Bailyk Finance Company congratulates you on the upcoming holidays and informs that in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Labor Code, the Company’s offices will not work from November 7 to November 8, 2024.

The Company’s offices will start working as usual from November 11, 2024, at 8-30 a.m.

November 7 and 8 are a holiday that reminds us of the main historical events in the life of our people. ✨ Remembering your roots and history is a tribute to the memory of the ancestors of each of us.

Our ancestors brought us culture, customs and traditions that we are obliged to pass on to the future generation.💫 We are proud and honor the memory of our ancestors, as well as all who created the basis for today’s well-being, who laid the foundation for strengthening independent Kyrgyzstan.

May our Kyrgyzstan grow stronger and prosper, and the strength of spirit of our ancestors give faith in a bright future and strength for great achievements!

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