General Director of MCC “Bailik Finance” spoke at the EBRD forum on youth entrepreneurship development
Chinara Moldazhanova took part in the EBRD forum “Youth in Business”, which took place in Tashkent on December 12, 2023. The forum was dedicated to the topic of youth in business, in particular the fact that the EBRD is allocating 200 million euros to support small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the age category from 18 to 34 years from Central Asia. To implement the program, the EBRD plans to cooperate with 20 banks throughout Central Asia.
At the panel discussion, the General Director shared her experience of financing youth in Baylyk Finance and noted that supporting youth entrepreneurship is very important for the development of the Central Asian region. “It’s good that the EBRD provides in its seven-year program not only funding for young people, but also the development of tools for teaching them the basics of entrepreneurship
This is important, since the repayment of loans among young borrowers is significantly worse, so it is necessary to work with risks and reduce them through training, digitalization of business processes, because young people increasingly prefer mobile applications and online transactions, and of course, further promote financial literacy.” – noted the General Director of MCC “Bailik Finance”.