The history of the Bailyk Finance Company dates back to 2011 with the first office in the city of Kant. Over 12 years, the Company has come a long way in successful and dynamic development, while over the past five years the Company has significantly increased the volume of its loan portfolio, rising from seventh to third place in the non-banking financial sector market.
It should be noted that from the first days of work the Company relies on a client-oriented policy and remains unchanged in its Mission.
Our mission is to create affordable financial solutions for residents of villages and small towns to improve their quality of life.
Vision – we want to be:
- Leader in the microcredit sector;
- The best brand for customers;
- The best employer in the market;
- Socially responsible Companies in society.
The Company continues to expand its financial and credit activities, covering new regions, attracting new clients and introducing new tools and access channels. Thus, for 12 years the Company has consistently expanded its branch network and today has 50 offices throughout the country. It should be noted that when opening new offices, the Company prefers remote areas and settlements with limited access to financial and credit services. So, of which 94% of offices are located in remote regions of the country.
The company offers a broad product line that, through feedback and evaluation, is developed to meet the needs of customers. Funding is offered on a case-by-case basis in the following areas:
- Business development (trade, services, production);
- Agrofinancing (Agrocredits, value chain financing);
- Consumer Finance (Consumer Loans, Min Turkun);
- Financing of housing improvement with elements of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources;
- Islamic Finance (Murabaha).
The company is focused on building long-term partnerships with customers based on mutual trust, understanding and respect. Thus, the level of customer satisfaction of the Company as of April 2023 was 98%.
The corporate of the Company is based on respect for the rights and legitimate interests of its founders and contributes to the improvement of management efficiency, increase in the value of assets, maintaining financial stability, increasing the efficiency of employees and increasing their qualifications. The corporate governance system is aimed at maintaining a balance between the interests of clients, investors and employees of the Company.
Management bodies of the Company:
- The General Meeting of Founders is the supreme management body of the Company. In 2013, new founders were attracted to the Company — professional managers, who are still directing the Company in accordance with strategic goals.
- The Board of Directors is an independent management body responsible for strategic management of the Company. Despite the fact that there are no such requirements from the side of the Regulator, the Company decided to involve an independent Board of Directors.
- Top management – carries out general management of the current activities of the Company.