Dear customers, by repaying the loan in due time you keep your positive credit score. This will help you avoid problems when getting loans in the future.
The client has the right to make early full early repayment:
– without paying fines;
– at any time during the term of the Loan Agreement;
– without prior notice to the Company;
– at any office of the Company and / or using any available payment instruments.
The client has the right to make partial early repayment of the loan ahead of schedule:
– without paying fines;
– at any time during the term of the Loan Agreement after a written notice of partial early repayment;
– at any office of the Company and / or using any available payment instruments.
You can repay the loan through the payment terminals of our partner companies. To simplify the process, funds are deposited in a few minutes around the clock, 7 days a week. The network of payment terminals of our partners is located all over the country; they are installed not only in the offices of the Company but also in various crowded places and possibly in the nearest store near your home.
Important: To avoid possible payment delays, we recommend you take into account the period of transfer; it can be from one to three business days, depending on the repayment channel you have chosen and holidays.
When the Company’s customers make payments:
- before 17:00 Kyrgyz time, crediting takes place on the day of payment on business days;
- after 17:00 Kyrgyz time, the money is received on the next business day, including holidays;
How to repay a loan through payment terminals?
- On the screen of any payment terminal, select the “Banking and financial services” section
- Next, select “Repayment of loans”
- Select MCC “Bailyk Finance”
- Enter your TIN. Important! If you enter your TIN incorrectly, the terminal will report an error.
In this case, you need to double-check your details.
- Enter the required amount of the loan repayment. Be sure to check whether the amount paid is sufficient for repayment, taking into account the fee applicable in the terminal.
- Click “Pay”
- Don’t forget to keep the receipt!
How to pay off “Murabaha” financing through payment terminals?
1. On the screen of the payment terminal, select the “Banking and financial services” section.
2. Select MCC “Bailyk Finance” “Islamic Window”.
3. Enter your TIN. (In case of incorrect input, the terminal will report an error. In this case, you need to double-check your details)
4. Enter the required funding repayment amount.
5. Be sure to check whether the amount paid is sufficient for repayment, taking into account the commission operating in the terminal.
6.Click “Pay”.
Important! In Pay Way payment terminals, change can now be transferred to pay for the balance of a mobile phone without commission! That is, if you deposited more than the required amount, i.e. you still have change, you can credit this amount to pay the balance of your mobile phone! Please note that money for mobile communications is credited without commission!
We do not stand still and are constantly improving our products and services, taking into account the wishes of our customers!
For your convenience, below are the commission fee rates of each partner.

0 %
50 KGS
from 10 to 50 KGS
Finca bank
from 10 to 20 KGS
from 10 to 20 KGS
2.5% of the redemption amount
2.5% of the repayment amount
0,4% of the repayment amount
Dos Credo Bank
20 KGSDear customers, by repaying the loan in due time, you keep your positive credit score. This will help you avoid problems when getting loans in the future. You can repay the loan through the electronic wallets of our partner companies. To simplify the process, the money is repaid in a few minutes around the clock, 7 days a week.
Important: To avoid possible payment delays, we recommend you take into account the period of transfer; it can be from one to three business days, depending on the repayment channel you have chosen and holidays.
When the Company’s customers make payments:
- before 17:00 Kyrgyz time, crediting takes place on the day of payment on business days;
- after 17:00 Kyrgyz time, the money is received on the next business day, including holidays;
How to repay a loan through an e-wallet?
- Download the e-wallet application of one of the Company’s partners listed below
- Replenish the balance of an electronic wallet in any convenient way
- Next, select “Repayment of loans”
- Select MCC “Bailyk Finance”
- Enter the required amount of the loan repayment. Be sure to check whether the amount paid is sufficient for repayment, taking into account the fee applicable in the terminal.
- Click “Pay”
- Don’t forget to keep the receipt!
How to pay off “Murabaha” financing through an electronic wallet?
1. Open the application of one of the partners of the MCC “Bailyk Finance”.
2. Next, select “Repayment of loans”.
3. Select MCC “Bailyk Finance” “Islamic Window”
4. Enter your TIN.
5. Enter the required loan repayment amount.
6. Click “Pay”.
Important! In Pay Way payment terminals, change can now be transferred to pay for the balance of a mobile phone without commission! That is, if you deposited more than the required amount, i.e. you still have change, you can credit this amount to pay the balance of your mobile phone! Please note that money for mobile communications is credited without commission!
We do not stand still and are constantly improving our products and services, taking into account the wishes of our customers!
For your convenience, below are the commission fee rates of each partner.

10 KGS
0.5% of the amount
O! Money
Elcard mobile
RSK 24
50 KGSIf you have any questions, please read the Instructions for redemption through payment terminals and electronic wallets .
Instructions for redemption through payment terminals and electronic wallets.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
Sincerely, MCC “Bailyk Finance”