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Bailyk Finance told schoolchildren and students how to protect nature

On May 19 of this year, the Management of the Bailyk Finance Company took part in the Eco-Door 21 Forum, organized by KSTU named after I. Razzakov. The purpose of this forum was to attract the attention of a wide range of the public to the discussion and search for solutions to urgent environmental problems.
Mubara Jamalova, Chief Operating Officer of the Company, spoke about the green vector of development of the Bailyk Finance Company – about measures that reduce the use of paper in lending processes, increase energy efficiency in the housing projects of the Company’s clients, green products and much more. The communication took place in the question-answer format, where the students showed very good knowledge in the field of environmental protection. The presentation of the Bailyk Finance Company aroused great interest and discussion among the students.
It is noteworthy that the forum demonstrated the innovative solutions of students on the separation of waste and the use of sewing waste. As a result, the Company started negotiations on cooperation in these areas.


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