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Implementation of Green Office standards

Bailyk Finance carried out the first stage of work within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation concluded with the Unison Group Company and with the aim of further implementation of the project “Promotion of Energy and Resource Efficiency in the Tourism Industry of Kyrgyzstan” – PERETO.
Unison Group conducted an energy audit of Bailyk Finance offices in the cities of Kant and Kara-Balta. Unison Group engineers checked for compliance with the standards:
Building energy efficiency and heat loss
air quality and humidity,
internal microclimate,
equipment power consumption
lighting level, etc.

Based on the results of the audit, Bailyk Finance will implement the Green Office Standards, which will reduce the impact of the Company’s activities on the environment and promote the rational use of resources, demonstrating its environmental and social responsibility.
It is planned that the next stages of cooperation will be:
modification of the loan product with an emphasis on the use of energy efficient technologies and renewable sources in various sectors of the economy, including tourism;
and conducting a series of trainings to promote “Green” products for the Company’s loan personnel.

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